• FormerMember
    • 25 Oct 2010

    October 21, 2010: Meijer to Provide Fresh Produce, Meat and Dairy Items to Help Feed Fort Wayne's Hungry

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: David Peterson – (734) 844-2775 david.peterson@meijer.com MEIJER TO PROVIDE FRESH PRODUCE, MEAT AND DAIRY ITEMS TO HELP FEED FORT WAYNE’S HUNGRY Fresh Products Expand Menu Of Offerings Provided To Area Food Banks GRAND RAPIDS, MI (October 21, 2010) – With 15% of northeast Indiana’s households living at risk of hunger, Meijer, the Michigan...
  • FormerMember
    • 22 Oct 2010

    October 12, 2010: Meijer Launches Flu Shot Initiative In All 196 Stores

    FOR FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank J. Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER LAUNCHES FLU SHOT INITIATIVE IN ALL 196 STORES Retailer trains more than 600 pharmacists to provide flu shots to customers on walk-in basis GRAND RAPIDS, MI (October 12, 2010) – As this year’s flu season approaches, Midwest retailer Meijer has expanded its pharmacy services to include...
    • 18 Oct 2010

    September 21, 2010: Meijer Re-affirms Commitment to Fighting Hunger; Increases Support of Food Rescue Programs in the Midwest

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER RE-AFFIRMS COMMITMENT TO FIGHTING HUNGER; INCREASES SUPPORT OF FOOD RESCUE PROGRAMS IN THE MIDWEST Supercenter Chain Brings Attention to National Hunger Action Month in September By Expanding Donation of Fresh Food GRAND RAPIDS, MI (September 21, 2010) – As an increasing number of people focus...
    • 18 Oct 2010

    August 30, 2010: Meijer's mPerks Digital Coupon Program Marks Shift from Clipping Coupons to "Clicking" Coupons

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER’S mPERKS DIGITAL COUPON PROGRAM MARKS SHIFT FROM CLIPPING COUPONS TO “CLICKING” COUPONS New Online Feature Redeems Coupons Automatically Without Ever Having To Submit A Printed Copy GRAND RAPIDS, MI (August 30, 2010) – Meijer shoppers redeem millions of paper coupons annually at...
    • 18 Oct 2010

    August 26, 2010: Meijer is First Retailer to Launch Phone App to Help Pinpoint Items Within a Store

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER IS FIRST RETAILER TO LAUNCH PHONE APP TO HELP PINPOINT ITEMS WITHIN A STORE Meijer’s Find-It App Will Identify The Precise Location Of Any Product; Also Offers Information On Specials And Sale items GRAND RAPIDS, MI (August 26, 2010) – Looking to find where an exotic fruit is located within...
    • 18 Oct 2010

    August 5, 2010: Meijer Sponsors the Gold Medal Reception of the Michigan Wine & Spirits Competition

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER SPONSORS THE GOLD MEDAL RECEPTION OF THE MICHIGAN WINE & SPIRITS COMPETITION Michigan’s Finest Wines and Cheeses are Paired Up and Put to the Test Grand Rapids, Mich. (August 5, 2010) – Looking for that perfect locally-produced wine to compliment the Michigan Bleu Gorgonzola cheese you...
    • 18 Oct 2010

    August 3, 2010: Meijer Replaces its First Supercenter with New Grand Rapids Store

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER REPLACES ITS FIRST SUPERCENTER WITH NEW GRAND RAPIDS STORE Customers of 28 th Street Go From Oldest to Newest Supercenter Grand Rapids, Mich. (August 3, 2010) – A sparkling new Meijer supercenter will open its doors here tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m., taking the place of the original Meijer Thrifty Acres...
    • 18 Oct 2010

    May 26, 2010: Meijer Experts Provide Some Burger Ins and Outs

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com FLIPPING FOR BURGERS! MIDWESTERNERS HAVE NO BEEF WITH THE POPULAR PATTY AS DEMAND FOR BURGERS HEATS UP THIS WEEK Meijer Experts Provide Some Burger Ins and Outs GRAND RAPIDS, MI (May 26, 2010) –- For millions of Americans, virtually every day is “Hamburger Day”, but officially, May 28...
    • 18 Oct 2010

    April 6, 2010: Meijer Announces Expansion of NuVal Scoring Program

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER ANNOUNCES EXPANSION OF NuVal SCORING PROGRAM 15,000 GROCERY ITEMS NOW CARRY A NUTRITIONAL RATING SCORE Food & Beverage Items Assigned A NuVal Rating From 1-100; The Higher The Score, The Higher The Nutritional Value GRAND RAPIDS, MI (April 6, 2010) –- One year ago, Meijer introduced...
    • 7 May 2010

    December 16, 2009: 2009 Finds Meijer in Great Health and Spirits

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com 2009 FINDS MEIJER IN GREAT HEALTH AND SPIRITS Midwest Retailer Recognized for Achievements in Employee Wellness Supercenter Honored with Three Awards for its Efforts Toward Improving Employee Fitness, Healthy Lifestyles and Plan Implementation GRAND RAPIDS, MI (December 16, 2009) – As it nears the...
    • 7 May 2010

    November 12, 2009: Meijer Wins the Battle of the Toy Books

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER WINS THE BATTLE OF THE TOY BOOKS Grand Rapids-Based Retailer Beats National Player Prices On Many Popular Toys GRAND RAPIDS, MI (November 12, 2009) – It’s a sure fire sign of the holiday season as retailers begin mailing their holiday toy books to customers in early November each year. This...
    • 7 May 2010

    November 4, 2009: Meijer Drops Prices on More Than 400 Toys

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER DROPS PRICES ON MORE THAN 400 TOYS Retailer Focuses on Helping Customers Save Even More This Holiday Season GRAND RAPIDS, MI (November 4, 2009) – Meijer will be spreading some much-needed holiday cheer this season by slashing prices on more than 400 popular toys in its toy department, while offering...
    • 7 May 2010

    October 28, 2009: Meijer Introduces "Everyday Best Price" Program

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER INTRODUCES “EVERYDAY BEST PRICE” PROGRAM Retailer Simplifies The Way It Places Items On Sale And Cuts Prices on More Than 19,000 Items Throughout The Entire Store GRAND RAPIDS, MI (October 28, 2009) – Proving “There’s never been a better time for lower prices at Meijer,”...
    • 7 May 2010

    September 22, 2009: Meijer Introduces Personal Shopper Concept in Chicagoland With New Grocery Express Service

    September 22, 2009 CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (616) 826-6747 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER INTRODUCES PERSONAL SHOPPER CONCEPT IN CHICAGOLAND WITH NEW GROCERY EXPRESS SERVICE Online Orders Delivered Directly to a Shopper’s Car; Innovative Program Offered at Meijer Stores in St. Charles and Aurora Grand Rapids, Mich. – Continuing to adapt to its customers’ changing needs, Meijer...
    • 7 May 2010

    August 25, 2009: Meijer Announces Voluntary Recall of Meijer Brand Apple Juice

    For Immediate Release Media Contact: Frank J. Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 Meijer Announces Voluntary Recall of Meijer Brand Apple Juice GRAND RAPIDS, MI – August 25, 2009 – Today, Meijer initiated a voluntary recall of Meijer Brand Apple Juice sold in its stores in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky . Specifically, Meijer has recalled the following items: · Meijer...
    • 7 May 2010

    July 20, 2009: Meijer Provides 18,900 Gift Cards to Midwest Families in Need

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER TO PROVIDE FREE GIFT CARDS TO MIDWEST FAMILIES IN NEED Supercenter Chain to Partner With Local Food Banks for Card Distribution Grocer’s Previous Two Food Donation Programs Have Raised More Than $500,000 for Local Food Pantries GRAND RAPIDS, MI (July 20, 2009) – As an increasing number...
    • 7 May 2010

    July 2, 2009: Meijer Announces Voluntary Recall of Some Meijer Brand Instant Non-Fat Dry Milk Citing Possible Health Risk

    For Immediate Release Media Contact: Frank J. Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 July 2, 2009 Meijer Announces Voluntary Recall of Some Meijer Brand Instant Non-fat Dry Milk Citing Possible Health Risk GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Meijer has initiated a voluntary recall of one type of its Meijer Brand Instant Non-fat Dry Milk because it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause...
    • 7 May 2010

    June 25, 2009: Meijer to Debut New Store Format in Chicago Market

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER TO DEBUT NEW STORE FORMAT IN CHICAGO MARKET Niles Store to Feature Greater Emphasis on Grocery and Focus on Products Geared Toward Diverse Local Community GRAND RAPIDS, MI (June 25, 2009) – Innovation has been the key to Meijer’s success during the past 75 years, and Meijer continues its...
    • 7 May 2010

    June 25, 2009: Meijer Celebrates 75th Anniversary with Block Party June 27, 2009, at all 189 Stores

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Frank Guglielmi (734) 844-2781 frank.guglielmi@meijer.com MEIJER CELEBRATES 75 TH ANNIVERSARY WITH JUNE 27 BLOCK PARTY AT ALL 189 STORES Supercenter Chain To Provide Giveaways, Family Entertainment And A Full Schedule Of Events In Celebrating Its Diamond Anniversary GRAND RAPIDS, MI (June 25, 2009) – To celebrate the summer of its 75 th anniversary, Meijer will...